How do you finish the first draft of your manuscript:
- WRITE regularly, when you are at your most productive, whenever and wherever this is (unless it’s in the middle of a motorway or while you’re carrying out open-heart surgery)
- DON’T fix your eyes on the finish. Concentrate on the writing you are actually doing; leave everything else to later. Keep building up your manuscript week by week (a weekly word count is a good measure).
- GIVE yourself a treat at the end of every writing session. It could be something simple like a favourite sweet, cup of tea, or a walk by the river. When you’re having your little treat, savour it. You’ve earnt it.
- PERSIST. Writing a book is not easy. Prove to yourself that can do it. And stick at it. You will be proud of yourself when it’s finished.
- FOCUS on quality, but not at the expense of progress. You can always re-write later (and you should re-write later. Revision is important). Just get the first draft down, regularly.